Monday 29 August 2011

Mad as a hatter i am, i am!

So i am finally integrated back into the country, and my hair has been returned to a somewhat acceptable colour (bright purple). While i was away my blue hair was kinda bleached out by all the swimming and sun, till it got to a sort or grey green colour which was not very nice at all! Im really enjoying being back in Ireland but i do miss not being able to walk like 5 feet away from my apartment and get to a beach where my toes wont be frozen off the minute they touch the water!

And i never thought id say it, but i miss Venice!

So, onto the cakes!! This cake was one i made for a mad hatters party. It was quite large and a B**CH to cover, but what can you do! When i was doing this cake it was probably the busiest 2 days iv ever had because i had to finish 3 cakes by friday!  I had made a Mad march hare head for the front but by the time the person i had made it for took a picture (my camera was still broken) it had slipped down a tad :(.  Ah what a shame!

It was made of chocolate biscuit cake and vanilla cake with a chocolate orange ganache, covered in fondant.

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